Soul Lighthouse Health and Safety Policy for Clients
Before the Class:
*You will be sent Registration Form by Email or Phone Call will be arranged if you don’t have email address
*As we can’t handle cash at the studio on the classes anymore we ask you to pay online beforehand
*We are obliged to send you COVID-19 Safety Questions (see the example on the bottom of the page) . If you don’t have email we will call you and ask questions over the phone. If the answer to any question is “YES” we will need to cancel your visit keeping your health and others safety in mind.
*When coming to the studio we will need to adhere to 2meter distance rule applying it to queuing and staying in the room
*You will need to bring your own equipment as we can’t provide studio props anymore.
*Please adhere to cough/sneezing etiquette at the studio using tissues and binning them in designated bins and sanitizing your hands
*Masks are not obligatory inside the class but if you feel safer in mask you can wear the mask during the class
*We ask to minimise bringing personal items into the studio and come already changed for the class bringing your own bag for any jumper coat, phone to keep all your things in one place
*Please get familiar with the posters on toilet hygiene that will be displayed in the toilet
Welcoming Clients:
*You will be met at the door downstairs
*All the doors leading to the Studio Room will be open to avoid touching keypads and door handles
*You will be asked to sanitise or wash hands before and after class using hand sanitiser provided at the entrance to the studio – either downstairs or upstairs.
*You will be guided put your shoes on the shoe rack and all other personal items in one bag beside your mat or chair depending what is used for the class
Class Rules:
*Classes will be maximum 1 hour long
*There will be at least 30min gap between classes to ensure proper cleaning after the session
*Maximum 7 people plus teacher can use the space ensuring 2m distancing rule
*We can’t accept any last minute drop-ins at present – all clients should book in well before the class to give them enough time to answer mandatory safety questions before the class
After the session:
*Teacher will disinfect all touchable surfaces within the room and ventilate the room.
Pre-screening is now a public health recommendation for clients prior to attending to classes. This measure is an effort to minimise the risk of the spread of COVID-19. Pre-screening should be completed prior to a client attending as a risk management protocol.
1. Do you have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, breathlessness, or flu like symptoms now or in the past 14 days? Yes/No
2. Have you been diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19 virus in the last 14 days? Yes/No
3. Have you had any close contact with a person who was diagnosed with or a suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days? Yes/No
4. Has anyone in your home or household been diagnosed with COVID-19 and advised to self-isolate or admitted to hospital in the last 14 in relation to COVID19? Yes/ No
5. Have you been advised by a doctor to self-isolate at any time in the last 14 days? Yes/No If Yes why?
6. Have you been advised by a doctor to cocoon at this time? Yes/No If Yes why?
I have no issues in relation to any of the above 7 questions. I understand that this information is required for the purposes of public health and will be kept on file for a 2 month period from the date of signing. I confirm that the above information is true and accurate from the date of signing. I understand that my personal information including my name and contact details may be shared with the Health Service Executive (HSE) for the sole purpose of contact tracing in line with public health guidelines only if requested.
Agreed by: (Client’s Name)